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Our last day in the Yucatan
(19 pictures)

↓ Cenote Zaci, a short walk from the Hotel Zaci, still in Vallidolid.
That is a tree hanging over us. I just now noticed it! ↓
83 cenote zaci

↓ Nice reflection here under the overhang.
Note the stairways, and the innertubes and ropes for swimmers. ↓
88 reflection

↓ Birds circling around inside the cenote cave.
Those are rocks and roots hanging from the cave's ceiling. ↓
91br birds circling

Our goal today is eastward, but first we retraced our steps a few miles
to see one of the two Cenotes at Dzinup.

↓ X-keken Cenote at Dzinup (another one of those Dzi- names) is off Hwy 180
I don't know what the pig has to do with anything. ↓
95 x-keken

↓ Getting ready to go in, but first listening to the bat noises.
With only a small hole in the ceiling of this cave,
it is a very dark place with little to recommend it (as far as I could see). ↓
96 snorkling

↓ Sign: wet stone are slepering.
I am not making fun, I am finding fun.
It reminds me not to worry too much about mistakes.
Mistakes provide humor in an otherwise dangerously slippery (or dangerously boring) world. ↓
98 slepering stones

Onward to Cancun....

↓ One of the teams of cyclists we saw with religious pictures mounted on each bicycle.
This is one of the holy day activities done for Our Lady of Guadalupe. ↓
09 cyclists

↓ With their flags. ↓
10 with flag

↓ Into the Zona Hoteleria out on the sandspit east of the city of Cancun.
This is a REALLY BIG Mexican flag – as big as the bus in this photo,
and the bus is closer to the camera….
This area is so Americanized, it is hardly a wonder
the Mexicans want to remind the tourists where they are visiting. ↓
14 Mexican flag

↓ These several pictures were taken at the Ken-Ha Hotel,
where Mary and Josh are spending their last night. ↓
20 Ken-Ha 1

↓ Through the open air lobby and down the hall toward the pool. ↓
21 Ken-Ha 2

It looks like a real tropical paradise. ↓
22 Ken-Ha 3
↑ To the left and right. ↓
23 Ken-Ha 4

↓ This hotel is on the north-facing side of the hotel zone.
City of Cancun and Puerto Juarez in the distance. ↓

↓ Not crowded; we are still a little bit pre-season. ↓
26 not crowded

↓ “Merry Shopping and a Happy New Gift”
say the many signs at the airport.
There is no question about “the reason for the season” in Cancun. ↓
30 reason for the season

↓ Late in the day, and still not our plane.
Note the Swissport sign on the truck. Do the Swiss own Cancun’s airport? ↓
31 Swissport

↓ Sunset.
(Still waiting; our plane was late due to ice in Salt Lake City.) ↓
37 sunset
↑Did you see the reflection of the
neon Bubba Gump Shrimp Company restaurant sign in the window?
Cancun. ↑

Thats all Folks!!

(Thanks for hanging in there with me!)

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